Wayback Wednesday: Adam Sandler

In anticipation of this week’s release of Funny People (look for a review at Nerve on Friday), here are two reviews of recent Adam Sandler films, as well as a feature on the whole school of man-child comedy, originally written for the Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

You Don’t Mess with the Zohan
118 min., PG-13 (crude and sexual content throughout, language and nudity)
Grade: ** (2 out of 5)

If anyone has been eagerly anticipating a zany summer comedy about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the wait is finally over. But those of you hoping said comedy would possess some sort of daring satirical insight on the matter are bound to be disappointed, unless you find endless jokes about hummus to be particularly revealing about Middle Eastern culture.
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Oh, that’s right, I have a blog…

Sorry for the long hiatus! I was on vacation and so forth. Here are some the things I would have linked to, had I been posting here:

The South Lamar pub crawl

New Releases: The Ugly Truth plus three

New Releases DVD: Watchmen plus three

New Releases: (500) Days of Summer plus three

New Releases DVD: Mad Men plus three

New Releases: Bruno plus three

Look for a new Unwatchable as soon as later today, plus a special week-long feature next week at the Screengrab in Exile!